Gratefulness and Holiday Fun
A heard a great saying this week – Goodness and truth will prevail but don't expect it and you wont be disappointed. I think perhaps always good to stay positive and you will always have a good day and week.
School holidays this week have been filled with rowing camps, back to school shopping for school shoes, joggers and books and everyone chipping in to clean the house. The kids earn pocket money for helping out in the house and with the farm work - Daisy loves doing the vacuuming!
Holidays also bring visitors and we enjoyed catching up with a friend from Sydney – Chris Mathews. It’s great to hear all about his life in the "big smoke" and I do hope he enjoyed his hot 14 hours here on Glenwood.
Amber back safely from 3 weeks in Turkey on a school excursion – with only 1 minor incident - a suicide bomber at the Blue Mosque with Amber and her friends only 2 blocks away at the Grand Bizarre! We are so very thankful that they came back safely and our thoughts and prayers are with the poor families who lost their loved ones in the attack.
The week finished with 2 nights camping on the foreshores of Burrendong Dam with friends – The Stubberfields and Campbells and lots of water skiing, knee boarding, wake boarding and laughs. It was blissful though a little on the warmish side, so we camped in swags under the stars for 2 nights.