Countdown to Christmas with Love Merino
Well its that wonderful time of the year again, hasn’t it snuck up quickly. Goodness, not sure I am ready for the pandemonium that comes with December – Christmas, New Year, Holidays, Speech Days, Family arriving, food shopping, eating too many cherries, hot weather, late nights, continuous cricket and the rest, I know you know what I am talking about!
I do love Christmas time, being able to share that precious time with family and friends, being together along with the joy of giving a special gift to them.
With only 20 odd days left until Christmas, we have some beautiful gift ideas at Love Merino. Browse our online store and I am sure you will find a gift that you will love to give to one of those special people in your life.
Please place your order by 20th December so we can try and make sure your delivery arrives by Christmas day.
dream in colour
This Christmas we are offering your very own - one of a kind Bespoke scarf or Pashmina – Choose you own colour.
If you would like a special Bespoke Scarf or Pashmina – it’s simple go to our website – lovemerino.com.au - Click “dream in colour” Classic Scarf or Pashmina Bespoke - Click on “Pick your colour code” – hover over your favourite colour e.g. – For HOT PINK – Panton 225 C – type this it into the box – Click Add to cart – it is that easy. Each will have their very own Certificate of Authenticity.
For delivery by Christmas for any of your orders even your Bespoke piece please place your order as soon as possible and will try our hardest to deliver them by Christmas, although we are unable to guarantee purely as the Christmas postage rush will be on.
Our aim at Love Merino is to make pieces that last, that will be loved by at least two, if not three generations that will be mended, patched, passed on, resold or repurposed. We produced “Slow fashion” pieces; made in Australia in limited quantities and to last a lifetime.
Love Merino is striving to reduce our carbon footprint wherever possible, using our very own merino wool, farm to fabric, and to know the provenance of everything we use.
With the aim to buy fewer, better pieces; we do not need to constantly replenish – rather, we need to buy what we love and love what we buy for a long, long time.
Why don’t you share this post with your husband, partner, children or friend? Drop them a hint of a special gift for you in case they are at a loss as to what to get you this Christmas!
The team at Love Merino would like to thank you and all our customers and followers for your continued support and wish you, your family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful, safe 2020.

Great work Pip and Norm. The evolving “Love Merino” story continues to inspire and amplify what’s happening in regional Aus and more specifically the NSW Central West slopes and plains. Happy Christmas and a somewhat wetter 2020!