Meeting the Governor General
A few weeks back Maggie and I had the honour of meeting Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, AO, QC and her husband Mr Dennis Wilson at a breakfast hosted by the Dubbo Chamber of Commerce at the fabulous Savannah Function Centre at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo.
Her Excellency is the 39th Governor of the State of New South Wales and was sworn in on the 2nd of May this year. How blessed we are to have humble and genuine people like this representing us at the highest level.
After a thought provoking speech focused on community, education and perhaps the importance of listening to people we heard from an inspiring young man called James Cleaver. James is rural support worker with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Royal Agricultural Society Rural Achiever for 2019. James gave the room a glimpse into life on the land in the last 7 years with a particular insight on the impact of drought to our rural families in the west. We heard how the drought has affected some of them not only for a couple of years but in some cases since 2002 and how a visit and a chin wag, a cup of tea and some scones can make the world of difference to families.
Expressing his heart felt thanks to the city and country folk that have opened their hearts and purses in the past, James impressed on us the importance of cash flow in these small but most deserving rural communities. He also implored us all to grab a few friends and take a drive to Tottenham, Walgett, Gilgandra, Stuart Town, Yeoval, Warren, Coonamble, Bourke and Nevertire for the weekend. Just spending a few dollars on a meal and a beer (or two) will make the world of difference to local businesses.
Another way we can all help is to make a donation to a reputable drought charity or giving a gift voucher to a drought impacted family to spend in their local town - at the supermarket, local gift shop, chemist, butcher, baker or candle stick maker - this way the money stays in the town. James is originally from Nyngan and you can tell he has a real passion for regional NSW. You can read his story in full here
Maggie and I then had the pleasure to have a yummy country breakfast and the honour to meet and speak with Her Excellency and Mr Wilson. On behalf of The Dubbo Chamber of Commerce we felt very humbled to present Her Excellency a gift of a LoveMerino scarf in appreciation of her time in the Central West.
Later in the day Her Excellency visited our home town of Wellington and dropped in at the St John Ambulance Headquarters to meet with staff and cadets at the Orana Division HQ.
Until next time. Stay safe and have fun.