Collection One - Paper Daisy
What better inspiration for our first collection of limited edition Merino scarves than the plants that grow at “Glenwood"! Our graphic designer Manuela Strano spent a weekend at the farm earlier in the year sketching and taking photos of the native grasses and other botanicals that grow on the property. The main image above is of the screen the clever people at Publisher Textiles & Papers made - below are some of her original sketches.
As mentioned in my previous blog on rotational grazing, on Glenwood we try to mimic nature, grazing our Merinos in large mobs for short periods of time before moving paddocks. Our unique approach has led to the regeneration of unique species of native grasses thought to be extinct in this area which provides no shortage of inspiration!
Based in Sydney Manuela is an artist, graphic designer and product designer wearing many hats and working from letter press and water colours to packaging and product branding. For this project Manny’s design exploration started with traditional native grasses like Kangaroo Grass and Chocolate Lilies, interweaving in different formations but the design we fell in love with was ‘Paper Daisy’ a bold graphic flower which captures the striking arid flora. Even better that its shares the name of our youngest daughter!
Until next time – stay safe and happy